Attention Speakers, Authors, Coaches and Entrepreneurs

Show Up As The Expert You Are On Zoom

The Ultimate Virtual Event Home Studio

Create a Professional Studio Setup at Home - No Tech Expertise Needed

In this course, you will discover

the E.A.S.Y. Formula, how to:


Enjoy coming up with your desired event brand and image

Discover how to craft a compelling event brand that resonates with your audience. Learn the secrets of outcome-based marketing, event theming, and creating a cohesive brand image.

Your virtual event should be fun for you to host while at the same time producing results.


Adopt your environment into being a set that reflects your brand

Master the art of camera positioning, audience connection, background setup, lighting techniques, and microphone selection to create a stunning visual and auditory experience.

Show up and look like the expert authority that you are.


Set yourself up for success with easy tech that has big impact with little effort

Embrace easy-to-use tech solutions for creating a dynamic virtual event environment, manage it effortlessly and maximize your impact.

We will be sharing how you can immediately stop sharing screen in Zoom and wow the audience with your visuals.


Your focus is on you…be laser focused on your audience, your impact and your offer

Understand how to keep your energy high, your focus sharp, and what to look for in an AV and tech team to ensure your event runs smoothly, allowing you to concentrate on your audience, your impact and your offer.

Giving you the time, energy and strength to focus on your content, offer, and coaching.

"I can't imagine a world without Justin and his team running the production for my virtual events."

- Martha Wilson

BONUS: Virtual Event Start Checklist

Minimize technical issues and streamline the event's start

BONUS: Essential Zoom Settings That Every Event Should Set

Optimize your Zoom events for maximum engagement and security with this comprehensive listing of all the crucial Zoom settings for a smooth and uninterrupted virtual event experience.

Our Virtual Event Clients

The Ultimate Virtual Event Home Studio Includes:

Live Full Step-By-Step Training
Dec 21, 22, 28, 29 @ 8-9:30 am PT

Recording of All 4 Sessions

OBS Pre-Configured Setup

Streamdeck Pre-Configured Profile

A Home Studio You Love That Will Wow Your Audience

Now Only $497

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